New Landmark Radio Documentary
I was recently interviewed for an Australian radio documentary about Landmark.
An Australian fan of the reform work recommended me to the documentary producer for my perspectives.
Those of you in Australia can find the original link to the radio broadcast here:
Outside of Australia, there is a copy of the program at:\2
Why try to change others? Why not start your own game, your own programs, your own organization, your own group (call it what you will) and design it from scratch, from the ground up exactly as you see fit?
How will you deal with the millions of people who think you should do what you created some other way then you think you should be doing it?
The main problem/ complaint I have with individuals like yourself (or at least who you are being about YOUR issue) is that it is so easy to sit the sidelines and point and dictate to others what they should do about what you like and don't like BUT creating something, being accountable for it all, what works and does not work and putting all your resources and your reputation and your life on the line is a while other thing.
Most people don't have the stomach for it but they have allot to say about what the "boss" or others are doing.
I avoid people like this like the plague and would not want them part of any endeavor I was a part of, and try not to be one to them in life.
Who wants peanut gallery people around in any walk of life?
Anonymous self-contradicts in saying, "don't be with Landmark as I am with you". Making wrong: Present. Possibility: Absent. Case for reform: Reinforced.
ML, what do you think is an appropriate response to a back seat driver like yourself who wants to use cyber mob tactics to enforce their fleeting views on other people?
Note: I am talking directly to you and not trying to coral support from others to make my point. I am quite happy to express myself and leave it at that.
The question in the prior comment is based in story and making wrong. This is an example of the unfortunately common out-of-possibility reaction to the reform conversation described in the Power vs. Pitfall essay in this blog. That Landmark grads pose such questions shows the fundamental breakdown in the Landmark community that the reform movement seeks to address.
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